Documents That A Lender May Require
Along with your loan application, your lender will require copies of some of the following documents. This list is only a guide so you know what to expect, but please ask your lender what is required for your particular loan.
- Salaried Employee: One month of pay stubs (4 if paid weekly, 2 if Bi-weekly – please be sure they are dated consecutively)
- Two months/one quarter of your bank/asset account statements
(including retirement and investment). Be sure to copy all pages of the statement (if it says page 1 of 6, they will need all 6).
- W-2 statements for the last two years.
- Self-employed: include 2 years most recent tax returns and YTD profit and loss statement.
- Retired/Pension income: include statement from government/pension source showing benefit amount.
- VA Loan: copy of DD214 (discharge) and certificate of eligibility.
- Divorce/Alimony/Child Support: copy of divorce decree, order for alimony or child support (depending on how the funds have been received and the order of disposition, more may be needed).